Muscle Testing (Applied Kinesiology)
What is Muscle Testing or Applied Kinesiology?
The word kinesiology comes from the Greek word Kinesis, meaning “motion”. It is the study of muscles and the body’s movement and is considered a form of binary biofeedback – the measure of the body’s response to a stimulus. Binary Biofeedback is used in virtually every medical field with EEGs and ECGs to heart rate monitors and with devices used to measure heart rate and temperature.
Through this practice, the practitioner concentrates on a subject and then tests the muscular strength of a client, usually using his or her arm. The most common system outlines that muscle weakness signifies an imbalance concerning the subject and muscular strength indicates a balance regarding the subject.
For example, if the practitioner is thinking about white sugar and the patient’s arm lowers when pressure is applied to the arm, the patient might have an adverse reaction to sugar.
Applied kinesiology was developed by a chiropractor named Dr. George Goodheart and was used to analyze the biomechanical and neurological functions of the body including posture, ranges of motion and physiological responses to physical, chemical or mental stimuli.
How do I use Muscle Testing in practice?
I apply the principles and techniques of Muscle Testing to eavesdrop into the nervous system and get a direct feedback from it on what is stressing the body from food, environmental toxins, emotions etc..
When the body is presented with something that it perceives as a stress to the system (something it is incompatible with or is toxic to the body), the electrical signals between the muscles and the brain are stressed or “short-circuited” and the muscle being tested is weakened – a.k.a. the Binary Biofeedback response.
Through Mind Body Spirit Release™, we are able to ascertain emotional stressors, blocks or toxins that are weakening the body and then clear them energetically. While using Muscle Testing in conjunction with Bioenergetic Testing can bring great accuracy and bio-individual customization to a client’s health roadmap and plan.
It truly is a great tool to bring in simplicity and avoid the overwhelm that can happen with a non-individualized healing process by using the most amazingly complex computer on the planet – the human brain!
A comprehensive session that includes:
- Full health intake questionnaire (received upon booking)
- Thorough muscle testing to identify drainage areas of concern + emotional blockages & assess the best way to address them: personalized food, supplement, lifestyle and alternative therapies.
- Strategic Health Plan (including specific dosages & schedule)
Prior to our session, I will utilize the health questionnaire along with muscle testing to put together the health protocol outline.
During our session, we will go over your health questionnaire in details and then go over the muscle tested protocol results and adjust accordingly.